Sunday, May 17, 2009

~をものともせずに  without it becoming, being a problem: without being beaten

Refuse to give in to difficulty;s tand bravely against the odds. Note - not used for speaker's situation.

Without worrying about the injury to his knee, Yamada appeared in the final.

Indifferent to the danger from the landslide, the search for people buried alive continued.

~をよそに indifferent to

Even though the party in question should be interested in something, is indifferent to it.

Indifferent to the anxiety of the residents, contstruction of the nucler generating station commenced.

On the motorway, regardless of the cars in the traffic jam, the bike can go quickly along the highway's edge.

Indifferent to the hopes of his family, in the end he didnt go into university but continued with his temping lifestyle.

とあいまって go hand in hand with

Together - second element is added to first to increase intensity of result.

In many countries, together with water and air pollution, environmental damage is proceeding.

The coache's leadership together with the spirit of the players together could win.

Ability and luck in combination leaded him to success.


いかんによらず・いかんにかかわらず・いかんを問わず doesn't matter whether...

[doesn't matter whether...]

Whatever the results of the audit, you should certainly please contact me.

Whatever the reason, you can't forgive a murderer.

Regardless pf whether or not it has the approval of the people, this bill will probably be approved in the Diet.

The number of local government bodies allowing you to take the employment exam regardless of your age or nationality has increased.

In this district, smoking in the street is forbidden regardless of the place.

Nいかんで accordingy to the outcome

According to the [marked] contents or situation.

Dependingon how many customers come, it is possible that screening will be over in a week.

Depending on that person, the budget could be anything.

Whether I participate or not, please let me decide on how I am feeling on the day.

Very similar to いかん!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

いかん according to the outcome

「あることがらが実現するかどうかはその内容・状態による」という意味を表す。  ...次第だ。
Whether or not something will be realised or depends depends on its contents or situation.

Whether or not this succeeds will depend on how much effort everyone makes.

Preventing environetmental destruction will depend on the the care of each of us as an individual.

The realisation of political reform will depend on the solidarity of the coalition government.

食い止める・くいとめる・check, prevent, resist
心掛け・こころがけ・care, right-mindedness
連立政権・れんりつせいけん・coalition government
結束・けっそく・solidarity, cohesion

Thursday, May 14, 2009

~にしたところで・~にしたって・~としたところで・~としたって ~even from the point of view of

Usually expresses the idea that even from a particular persons point of view, situation is a certain way. Clause following often contains negative judgement, evaluation, or excuse with nuance of "it can't be helped". In informal speech it becomes にしたって・としたって


Taking a place to live [as an example] looking for one is a lot of trouble.

As for the wedding ceremony as an example, it wasnt necessary to make it so glamorous [nor to do the same for other things as well].

Preparing your food at that age is a real burden (as are other things)

~ところを ~even though (at this time, in this state)

Shows consideration for other partys situation and that speaker has done something regardless of that situation. Often used ideomatically in greetings to show gratitude. Also seen in phrases such as お休みのところを、ご多忙のところを

Just at the moment the match was about to finish, it was cancelled becuase of rain.

Just at the moment it was best to have stayed quiet, he himself honestly said "It was me that did it!"

~と思いきや ~though I thought... it wasn't the case; even though I thought that

Surprise at something that does not turn out as expected; slightly old fashioned but often used for humour rather than formal language or essays; takes と of quotation, so various forms can proceed.

Because father is so stubborn I thought he would oppose my brothers marriage, but he said nothing and supported it!

My brother is a big drinker, so I thought he would drink a lot, but he didnt even drink one drop!

After I was old I thought I would be able to live off my retirement money, but with inflation my savings have decreased!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

上で for, in order to (目的)

After indicating a goal to actively work toward, second phrase explains what is necessary or important to achieve that goal or objective. Does not take verbs of action.

In order to make this plan succeed, we will certainly need everyone's co-operation.

For studying foreign langugues, television is unusually useful.

In order to preserve food stuffs, please pay attention to the following.

~うえで after having

After first doing one thing, another action based on the first will occur. Verbs of volition precede or follow うえで.

After you have cast your eyes over them, I'll explain the detailed matters.

Afer you have properly read how to complete the application form, please complete it.

As to which University you will take the exam, after you have discussed with your parents you can decide.

This is a decision I have made after thinking overnight so I am not going to change my feelings.

~上は since things have come to such a pass

「~のだから」 Meaning "since...then of course" - expresses speakers resolution or resignation. Phrases following indicate corresponding actions of responsibility or resignation. Often used with べきだ、つもりだ、はずだ、違いない、ではいけない. Similar to いじょうは or からには.

(1) 社長が決断した上は、われわれ社員はやるしかない。
Since the company president, then all we employees just have to do it.

Given that you decided to do it, even if the result comes out bad all you can do is use all your power.

Leaving home, you need to be sufficiently prepared.

Since you are signing the contract, you should serious discuss each clause.

Since youve decided to become a lawyer, even though it will be tough, you will have to really work hard.

Knowing that your friend is in trouble, you cant just stand by and watch.

The plan has been cancelled. Since it has come to this we just have to disolve the team.


親元・おやもと・home with parents
覚悟・かくご・readiness, preparedness

Thursday, May 7, 2009

~といえども even though


Expresses disagreement with characteristic or impression of things in extreme situations. A formal expression.


In recent years medicine has advanced amazingly, but even though the number of sick people has not tended to decrease.

Even though so busy, you shouldnt neglect looking after your health.

Even though an old person, there are still a lot of people with great will and desire.


~であれ regardless of

~でも regardless of [being]

"No relationship to". Clause following signifies situation stays the same regardless of what is listed in the preceeding clause. Often speaker's subjective judgement or conjecture follows. Variations also exist N1であれ  N2であれ。 Also, たとえ~であれ and interrogative~であれ is also common.

Regardless of whether you are the king, you won't expect to be able to take all of the citizens along with you.

No matter how rich you are, in this world there are things that money can't buy.

Even if the opposite number is a minister or a normal person, you should state your opinion clearly.

Regardless of what country it is, a country that doesnt emphasise education wont develop.

~たところで  supposing; even if


逆接の仮定表現・ Describes the speakers judgement that even if something does occur, result will end in vain or be a waste of time or that the result will not be useful. Often the phrase following indicates the speakers subjective judgement or surmise. The past tense cannot be used at the end of the sentence (consistent with it being a surmise etc). Often used with どんなに、いくら、たとえ interogatives and numerical classifiers.

Even if you run from now, there's no chance you will get there in time for the opening.

Whatever the people around say, he wont bend his own opinion.

No matter how much you work, these prices are high and your life wont be any easier.

For specialist books, no matter how much you sell them you'll sell around 2000.

Because I don't have any talent, no matter how much I practice I won't be able to play well.

No matter how many times people witout specialist knowledge read it, they wont be able to understand it.

No matter how much further you complain, it wont come to anything.

It is this late from the time you agreed, even if you go and see there wont be anyone there will there.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~かねない ~could (go wrong)


Speaker apprehends result or course of events as having potential of being adverse (i.e. could go wrong etc)

If you drive as wildly as that, you could cause an accident.

If you dont eat and sleep properly, you could damage yourself.

The recent surplus information from the mass media could hurt people who have not connection.

If you just play to excess, you could fail.

~かねる cannot deal with

Something is difficult or impossible to do because of emotional resistance. Sentence 4 below is used in service industry as a soft way to say the company cannot meet the customers demands; sentence 5 is an example from a formal business situation.




(4)客:香港行きの飛行機は何時に出ますか。 係:ここではまかりかねますので、あちらのカウンターでお聞きください。




~ざるを得ない cannot avoid, have no choice but

cannot avoid; have no choice but to

Used when the situation cannot be avoided even though the person involved does not want to do the action. ざる is an old term meaning ない The pattern ざるをえない has a stronger sense of compulsion, must do even though doesnt want to than ないわけにはいかない (no way not to do).

If this is a job ordered by more senior people in the company, even if the staff don't like it they have to do it.

We have to say that the President was repsonsible for the bankruptcy of the company.

I dont like Chemistry, but its a compulsory study so I have to take it.

My body is not so good, but today there are not enough people so I have to work.

Because this was a rule that was decided together, we have to respect it.

Because the price of the original ingredients is going up, we have to put up the price of the products.

He disappeared during his mountain climb and already five years have passed, so we have to think that he died.

In this awful rain we have to cancel the athletic meet.

~得る・~得ない  ~うる・~えない ...can


Vうる means "that can be done, that is possible" Vえない means something that cannot be done or which is impossible. Note that this form is not used to indicate something that is impossible because of lack of ability. Also note two dictionary forms - positive form us うる・得る while negative form is えない・得ない

Vます, drop ます and add 得る

This is the best method I can think of to make this job succeed.

This accidend was something that could not have been foreseen.

This is a great business that could not have been without him.

As this accident is something that could happen at any time, you need to take a great deal of care.

That he was at the site of this incident is something that just couldnt be.

I exhausted all the ways I could think about, but didnt reach a solution to the problem.

I searched as much as I could search but could not find those documents.

If I am able to do it, I would like to be independent and start a business.

I think you can't meet danger on a mountain as low as this.

Monday, May 4, 2009

たる ~の立場にある ...who has the job of; ...who is

「~の立場にある」 ~has the job of; who is

In the pattern ~たるN means someone is in a certain position so they should act accordingly. Often used in pattern "Nたる者" where it implies that N is highly evaluated by the speaker.

(1) 国に任された大臣たる者は、自分の言葉には責任を持たなければならない
A minister given responsibility by the country has to have responsibility for his own words.

Working at an institution which is a representative of the country, please be proud and prepared.

As a teacher, you always have to be fair to the students.

People of are looking for personal gain dont have the qualification to be politicians.

As an executive you always have to have a strong will.

ものの - although, notwithstanding

Although, notwithstanding - although something (to which ものの is attached) is certainly true, the result is not as expected. Seems to appear at the end of quite long phrases or sentences on the two times I have seen it - and liable to confuse if not spotted...

Even though I understand it in my head, it is difficult to actually explain the actual way of using it in words.

Although I bought some new clothes an opportunity to wear then still hasnt come.

Although Grandad's body is strong, recently he has had trouble hearing.

普通形 (ナAな・なAである、Nな・Nである)+ものの