Thursday, July 9, 2009

で 格

There are other uses for で besides marking location.

(1) Scope 範囲

At first glance, で above looks like で used for the place of an activity. However this is not the case and the predicate is not limited to verbs used for activity only. For example in the above sentences 最も南(の) is the predicate, not 歩く。

(2) Standard 基準

(3) Limit 限度

(4) Time limit, deadline 期限
来年の誕生日で免許の有効期限が切れる。 Represents a continuing thing coming to an end.

(5) Ingredients 材料

(6) Tools 道具

(7) Means 手段

(8) Cause, reason 原因、理由

(9) Situation 様態

(10) Subject of action or deed 動作・行為の主体

で above can be replaced by が grammatically as the representative of the subject. There are other set phrases using で in a similar manner but with は only. For example, 今日では、現在では、

(11) Point in time at which an action takes place 動作の行われる時点

に and で used in relation to places

で is used to mark a location with verbs that involve action. For example, 遊ぶ、読む、待つ

に is used to mark a location with verbs that involve existance. いる、ある、存在する

As a rare exception, with some verbs the result is a place that became a place where you could exist, に may still be used. For example 無人島に小屋を作る。


を has three basic functions. Firstly marking the object of transitive verbs, secondly marking the space or point of passage through which movement occurs and thirdly marking the point of origination of movement.

Verbs used in the second function may be 渡る、通る、歩く.
Verbs used in the third function may include 出る、降りる、発つ

Monday, July 6, 2009

~はおろか・not to mention


AはおろかB means "A of course, but B as well". The second clause describes a negative situation or circumstance, typically using 「無い・~ない・少ない」. Emphasises difference in nuance by citing normal-level A, followed by the less significant B.

(1) 彼の部屋には、エアコンはあろか、扇風機もなかった。
In his room, he doesn't have air conditioning nor even a fan.

With this rank his going to another school and even his graduation are at risk.

My back aches and not only walking but even sitting hurts.

On this plant, there are a lot of people carrying on their life not only with out electricity or gas but even without running water.

~にもまして more than


Although one thing is true, something else is even more so. In the form "interrogative + にもまして"
it means "more than anything", "more than anyone" or "more than one time".

Means " usually true for..., even more ...". Expresses a further increase in amount or degree of some unusual characteristic.

Her words more than anything gave me courage.

The pain in my foot, more than before has got worse and finally I decided to have surgery.

Kimura-san, it looks like you have a date today, your make up is much thicker than normal.

This year the port festival is, more than normal years, buzzing.

It looks like something good has happened to Kobayashi-san and today more than normal they are really cheerful.

~にひきかえ in contrast to


Expression that takes two things with contrastive qualities and compares them. Used to make a comparison in which one thing is taken as a plus and the other a minus in order to make a statement that says "in contrast with and opposite to A, B is...". Often implies a certain dissatisfaction with the negatively-evaluated object, and so therefore constitutes criticism or complaint.

Subjective feelings about something directly opposite or vastly different from what comes before pattern. Form にたいして objectively contrasts what comes before and after pattern from an interim position.

In contrast to my serious and reticent older brother, my youunger brother is never calm and always playing around.

There are a lot of internationally active Japanese in the field of sports and entertainment. In contrast Japanese politicians rank is just too low.

In contrast to my frugal older brother, my younger brother is a spendthrift.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

~ないまでも・can't go as far as; even if can't go as far as to


This expression means "even if (some level of satisfaction/fulfillment) is not attained". The second clause expresses the minimum level that would satisfy the speaker.

Even if something can't attain a certain level, at least is attaining slightly lower level. Nuance of "at least" or "at the minimum".






ただ~のみ・ただ~ばかり・~のみならず; just only/not only


The first two expressions mean "just/only~" and that there is nothing else involved. They are used to emphasise a situation where all the focus is on one point only.

The third expression means "not only~" and expresses the fact that the scope of the subject extends much further. This is a written expression.








~と相まって・go hand in hand with;


This expression means "combined with~" and is used to indicate that a certain trend or situation occurs or is intensified as the result of two things happening in conjunction. The second element is added to the first to increase the intensity of result.







~とばかり(に)・virtually seems to; as if

いかにも~というような様子で Some attitude or appearance is nto conveyed verbally, but appears a certain way through actions. Describes other people so not used to describe speaker. Usually clause following conveys forceful, extreme action. "really appear/seem to~"



~ずくめ totally immersed in, all in...

Suffix that expresses the fact that "it was...all the way from start to finish" or that "everything was all one way". To be filled with something, or one thing after another happens. Used for things, colors and events. Most often used when a person is inundated with nice things.




~(が)ごとし・~(が)ごとく・~(が)ごとき  ~ごとき(に) like, as

~ごとし is an old expression equivalent in meaning to ~ようだ it is often used in idiomatic expressions. When - appended to a verb it can also be used bby adding ~が。 ~ごときに apphends to a word describing people with a putdown implied and is used with the same meaning as ~なんかに. Humble if appended to 私.

(1) 光陰矢のごとし (ことわざ 月日は、矢が飛ぶようにあっという間に過ぎる。






