Sunday, November 2, 2008

にあって - in, at (a special state, and so follows)


In, at

Since someone is in some special state or condition then expected point follows (i.e. emphasises state) - can also be used ironically etc as in 6 below i.e. even though someone is in certain situation, react contrary to expectations.

Because we are now in this type of international society [which is special, different from before], ability in a foreign language us seen as very valuable.

Given he is in the job of a minister, I can't forgive inappropriate actions.

Even though mother is in a poor state, she is still taking care of the children's things.

Aという立場、身分、状態では、当然Bである。BにはAにふすわしい状態やそうあるべきこと・態度がくる。 順接の場合も逆接の場合も考えられる。(2)&(3)は逆接の例で、「その状況にありながら・あるにもかからわず」という意味。
Looking at the position, situation of A, you naturally expect B. B is an appropriate state or attitude to A. However you can have this type of straightforward connection but also reverse positions.

Now, country A is in its growth period, so peoples expression is really cheerful.

(5) 数学は高度情報社会にあって、必要な学問的教養となっている。
Maths, for a high level information society, has become a necessary subject in education.

In these extraordinary times, why can you be so relaxed?

不正・ふせい・illicit, inappropriate

あっての - indispensible to, cant do without

AあってのB A,B名詞

comprised of, indispensible to...
An emphatic expression meaning N1 is realised because there is N2. JLPT1

A teacher is only for the students.

Please don't leave me. I am only here because of you...

Our business is only for the customers, so first of all we have to answer to their needs.

Because A exists, B is there. It includes the meaning that if A did not exist, then B would not exist as well. Some more examples:

Our married life is for love. If we didn't have love, there would be no meaning to our living together.

Negotiation only exists with another side. If you just express your view it won't go well.

A victory owing to daily practice.
